Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Herbal Oils

The herbs that grow in your garden can be made into herbal oils for use throughout the year.

depending on the herbs that you wish to use, you can make herbal oils during the summer and winter.
Today we are making valerian oil, with some valerian roots that were harvested and dried last winter.
We use Valerian oil as part of a massage rub to soothe restless legs and cramping.

Valeriana Officinalis

Herbal oils are made in a similiar way to the herbal vinegars in previous posts.
Have ready a clean sterilised jar with a lid, the oil that you wish to infuse your herbs in and your plant material.
Today we are using valerian root and organic cold pressed olive oil.

  1. prepare your herbs ( make sure they are clean, free of other materials and water).
  2.  Chop your herbs into pieces roughly 2cm in length
  3. Place the chopped herbs in your clean jar, the tighter you pack the herbs, the stronger the oil will be.
  4. Pour over the olive oil, filling to the top
  5. Use a chopstick to clear any air bubbles in the oil
  6. Seal tightly, label with name and date.
  7. Place in a warm spot where you can check the jar for any leakage of oils and top up if neccessary.
After the herbs have infused for 4-6 weeks you will be able to decant them through a fine sieve, with the result being a beautiful medicinal herbal oil.


 Valerian, Chamomile and Calendula herbal oils getting made

Marvellous Marshmallow

Flowering Marshmallow

Althaea Officinalis

Our Marshmallow plant is flowering and we're excited that we will be able to harvest some Marshmallow roots to make marshmallow syrup this winter

This Marshmallow plant is into its second year of growth at our Herbal Dispensary garden.
The bees are loving it, they visit daily for their dose of Marshmallow goodness

If you don't have a Marshmallow plant in your garden you could try your local herbal supplier
I used to make a variation of this recipe when my children were little,it is a great soothing syrup for sore throats and coughs
My girls loved it!

Marshmallow Syrup
To make the syrup you need:
  • 110g of dried marshmallow root
  • 55g raisins
  • 4 litres water
  • 50 drops of orange flower water (optional)
  1. Boil the Marshmallow, raisins and water down to 3 litres
  2. Strain through a cheese cloth or coarse strainer (the mixture will be very thick)
  3. Add the orange water
  4. Pour into sterilised bottles or jars, and keep in the fridge.
This can be given in teaspoon doses as required